Friday, February 7, 2014

X Wing Wave 4 is Coming Soon

Straight from FFG's website:

Each of the wave’s four starfighters arrives ready to maneuver, battle, and fulfill a specific role within your fleet:
  • The Z-95 Headhunter enters the Rebel fleet as an extremely efficient missile platform, better enabling the Alliance to match Imperial forces ship-for-ship.
  • The TIE defender is a straight-forward fighter with strong shields, weapons, agility, and a maneuver never before seen on a dial.
  • The E-wing pairs the X-wing’s firepower and resilience with the A-wing’s speed and agility.
  • TIE phantom pilots rely upon the ship’s unique cloaking device to evade enemy fire and pounce upon their foes with their deadly laser cannons.

So there it is the next wave of releases for X Wing and I have to say that these look great. Some of the cards are previewed already and wow !
Seems a little expensive compared to the Falcon but I guess we will have to see how we can use it. 

I can see these new missiles really being a hit. I think this might make me take some A Wings or Z 95s just to try them out.

Finally a cheap rebel ship, lets see those swarms.
Nice droid with some crazy combo options.

 There are tons of possibilities for these ships. We only get a look at the Rebel cards but I am sure that FFG will preview the set as a release date gets closer. Well get ready for some new ships and some very exciting X Wing expansions.


Star Wars X-Wing New Ships

I  know that a lot of you have probably seen this pictures before and some of the cards can be viewed on other sites but I just wanted to throw them together and show all three ships. I have been hearing some rumors of a possible release date in February for some of the ships if not all of them. I think we are very excited to see the new game play for the larger ships and get our hands on these nice models. Well, there is  a chance that we might get our hands on one of these a little sooner than expected so if we do we ill post a review and maybe a video. Thanks again for checking us out.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Eldritch Horror by Fantasy Flight Games

Ok, so a new store opened by my house the other day and I went in to take a look and found this gem on the shelf. I didn't really plan on buying this game and it was more of an impulse buy. I opened it up when I got home and we played a game. It was a lot of fun and it has some mechanics similar to Mage Knight if you are familiar with that game. One thing that is different though is the game length. For those of you who have played Mage Knight or a similar game it can take quite a long time to finish it up, this game came in at about two hours. There are plenty of reviews on the game on different sites but I will post a quick review soon enough. Check it out if you haven't and it is a great cooperative board game.
