Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dropzone Commander Painting Updates and NIck's UCM almost done...

So the new Dropzone Commander starter sets have been hitting the shelves for about a month now and both Nick and I picked up a box of UCM. We both have the two player starter set and we thought this would be a good way to add to our existing forces. So we started coming up with some schemes and we have previously displayed Nick's UCM on here before so lets show his current project:

So here you can se his tiger stripe pattern really coming together and his force is really starting to gain some character.

Next up I will show you what I have been working on and keep in mind we are beginner painters. I have yet to master the brush and I mainly get table top quality. So for my Condor dropships I went with a grey color scheme reminiscent of the current USMC aircraft:

I decided to pain the canopies black in a sort of high tech HUD or tinted glass version since the sun must be bright when dropping out of space.

The vehicles were a little more difficult to create a camo scheme. Nick and I both wanted some unique camo schemes and this is what I went with:

Its different but similar and it still uses the solid grey that my Condor drop ships have so it keeps in line with the army. I was able to get the UCM starter and the two player starter UCM forces all done except for my infantry. They are primed and ready for some attention so hopefully they will be done soon. Well I hope you enjoy the photos and Nick just bought a Seraphim close support aircraft so that will be getting posted soon. Also we will be highlighting units from Dropzone Commander with some articles on expanding your army. We will start with the UCM and go from there, enjoy.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

X-COM gameplay news

News for October 2014
The Desperate Defense
How to Turn Back the Alien Invasion of XCOM: The Board Game
XCOM: The Board Game | Published 10 October 2014
As their transport rumbled into position, the soldiers locked their armor into place and fired up their battle scanners. One last check of their plasma rifles, and they would rush out the door, into the beating heart of the alien invasion. They knew they wouldn’t all make it back, but if they failed, billions more might die. The whole human race might perish. Live or die, there was no turning back…
Just in case you thought it was going to be easy to win your war against the alien invaders of XCOM: The Board Game, think about this: There are two ways to lose the game, but only one way to win it…
In our last preview, we looked at the game’s free digital companion app. Integral to your XCOM experience, this app allows us to push the game’s design well beyond what would be possible without it. And it coordinates the alien invasion.
There are five different invasion plans, which we’ll explore in more depth in a later preview, but all of them share three common elements: UFOs, enemies, and crises. These are the invaders’ weapons as they strike against you. With these weapons, they hope to sow chaos, topple nations, and cause the collapse of human civilization.
Early military interventions proved ineffectual, and you – and XCOM – are now humanity’s last hope for a successful resistance. It is your job to maintain a semblance of order, to slow the descent into utter panic, and to find a way to strike at the invaders where it counts.
These duties drive the game’s victory and loss conditions:
  • You lose if two continents fall into panic. Not only does this mean that many hundreds of millions of people are dying, it means that your team loses its funding and XCOM shuts down.
  • You lose if your base is destroyed. If your base is destroyed, so are your means of fighting back. And if XCOM can’t fight back, there’s no other power in the world capable of retaliating in any way that doesn’t harm the world more than its invaders.
  • You win if you can unlock and complete your scenario’s final mission. Of course, to get to the final mission, you’ll need to protect your base, prevent nations from panicking, and complete other missions that will help you find weaknesses in the aliens’ strategy.

Can you unlock your final mission? Click on the image above to unlock Domination.
Don’t Panic!
Because you’ll lose if any two of the six populated continents fall into panic, you’ll need to become familiar with the panic track. As you wage your war against the alien invaders, you’ll need to track the degree to which each continent has fallen into chaos.
Time is against you. After all, your team wasn’t fully activated until the world’s military forces had already lost ground to the invaders. Thus, even at the beginning of the game, you’ll find that some of the continents have moved one or more steps along the panic track. Once you start playing, the pressure really starts to build. Each round, the world’s continents each move one step closer toward panic for each UFO in orbit over that continent. As if that’s not enough, the crises you must resolve may also move the world’s continents toward panic.

While XCOM’s Interceptors are deployed elsewhere, two UFOs sow chaos in Australia, moving it two steps toward panic. Asia has already fallen into panic, so if Australia also collapses, the game is over, and you lose!
It’s almost impossible for you to entirely staunch the spread of panic. The best you can hope for is that you can slow it down, aid those nations that truly need your intervention, and buy yourself just enough time to plan a retaliatory strike.
Defend Your Base
As you route your Interceptors across the globe to confront the UFOs that threaten to topple the world’s governments, the aliens send a number of enemies to assault your base, hoping to find some way to eliminate you and the threat that your team represents to their grand design.
In XCOM: The Board Game, there are nine different types of enemy cards, corresponding to each of the different types of enemies that might assault your base. At the beginning of your game, the app will identify a number of these enemies and instruct you to take all of their cards, including any Elite versions, and shuffle them together to create an enemy deck.
These enemies then spawn at your base throughout the game, and if your soldiers can’t eliminate them all, each enemy remaining deals one damage to your base. If your base suffers enough damage, it is destroyed, and you lose.

Two enemies survive XCOM’s defenses, damaging the base twice.
However, your base defense isn’t all-or-nothing. Even if your base isn’t at risk of being destroyed, you can suffer some very real consequences for letting the enemy strike. Whenever the base damage token advances to a red space, you must resolve the damage ability on the aliens’ invasion plan.

The damage token advances to a red space, triggering the damage ability on the aliens’ invasion plan. In this example, two UFOs spawn on each continent in the red zone of the panic track.
We will look at base defense in greater detail in a later preview.
The Final Mission
As UFOs appear in orbit and enemies spawn on your base, you’ll be forced to decide how best to allocate your resources. They are finite, after all, and the key to XCOM: The Board Game is deciding which battles you need to win, and which sacrifices you can afford to make.
As much as this is a game of tense struggles against strange and remorseless foes, it is a game of resource management. Interceptors cost money. Soldiers cost money. Scientists cost money. Satellites cost money. And your funds are limited. You need to weigh your options clearly and quickly, even in the face of disaster.

Your team has thirteen credits… You need to make them count!
But if you can help the world’s governments retain a semblance of order long enough, and if you can keep the enemies from destroying your base and all your work, you just might be able to send a hand-picked unit of soldiers to undertake one final, surgical strike against the aliens that may hit them hard enough that you can turn the tides of war.

XCOM’s squad leader sends a squad of two assault soldiers and one sniper to attempt the game’s final mission. Both types of soldiers excel at the early tasks, though they may need to push hard to make it through the mission’s third task.
Moreover, you can undertake other missions throughout the game to find weaknesses in the aliens’ invasion plan. By completing these other missions, you reduce the amount of time it takes your analysts to discover the target of your final mission.
Both these preliminary missions and the final mission require that you complete a number of tasks, but there’s certainly no guarantee you’ll resolve them successfully on the first attempt, nor on the second, or the third. In fact, there’s a good chance that when you send your best soldiers to a mission, you’re sending them to their doom.

Open task slots on missions are filled by enemies. Completing this final mission requires that you get one success on the first task, then get three successes on the second task, and finally manage to get one last success on the third task.
Prevail Against Overwhelming Odds
The odds of XCOM: The Board Game are stacked against you. There are two ways to lose and only one way to win. By the time your team gets funding, the aliens have already launched their invasion. You need to fight your war on four fronts, but you don’t have enough funding to fight on even footing at each.
Out of this situation, you must carve a winning plan. You need to shoot down UFOs to slow the rise of panic. You need to fight for your base. You need to research new tech to gain footing. You need to send soldiers on deadly missions to gain crucial military intelligence. It’s a desperate situation, and it requires bold action. The question is: How far will you push your luck?
In our next preview, we’ll look at the game’s push-your-luck dice mechanics in conjunction with your base defense, the role of the Squad Leader, and the resolution of missions!

XCOM: The Board Game is a cooperative board game of global defense for one to four players. As unknown alien invaders press their attack against the earth, you and up to three friends serve as the department heads of XCOM, an elite, international military organization. You must destroy UFOs, research alien technology, complete critical missions, and find some way to prevent the collapse of human civilization. You are humanity's last hope.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

More Star Wars Armada News

News for October 2014
Capital Ships in Battle
Preview the Combats of STAR WARS (TM): Armada
Star Wars: Armada | Published 10 October 2014
“Move as close as you can and engage those Star Destroyers at point-blank range.”
    –Lando Calrissian
The battles of Star Wars™: Armada are about as large as battles get. Rebel and Imperial fleets collide above Outer Rim planets or outside of asteroid fields. Star Destroyers and Rebel frigates exchange turbolaser fire as screens of TIEs swarm X-wings and Corellian corvettes. The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.
As large as the space battles of Armada are, they flow seamlessly over six rounds, each of which is divided into four phases. In our last preview, we looked at the Command Phase and how it forces you to plan for the future, even as you respond to the changing tides of battle. Larger ships are more powerful, though less responsive, and while they’re capable of resolving more commands within a single round, they force you to plan further ahead. A single round of combat may be the culmination of three or four rounds of planning.
When the moment comes to fire, then, you’ll want to be sure to make it counts. In today’s preview, we’ll look more closely at the Ship Phase, focusing on ship-to-ship combat and its brutal exchanges of turbolaser blasts and artillery fire.
The Ship Phase
In Armada, after you and your opponent have selected all your commands and placed them on the bottom of your ships’ command stacks, you proceed to the Ship Phase, in which you and your opponent take turns activating your ships one at a time.
When it’s your turn, you can choose any of your capital ships that has not already activated during the round and activate it. Each activation has three steps: Reveal Command Dial, Attack, and Execute Maneuver.

1. Reveal Command Dial

Once you select which of your ships you intend to activate, you reveal the top command from its command stack and place the dial faceup next to your ship. If you want to resolve the command from the dial for its full effect, you can do so at the appropriate time. Otherwise, you can spend the command to gain the matching command token and place it next to your ship.

The Imperial player reveals a navigate command from the top of a
Victory I-class Star Destroyer’s command stack.

2. Attack

After you reveal your ship’s command dial, your ship can perform up to two attacks, though each must originate from a different hull zone. Each attack can target a single hull zone on an enemy ship or one or more enemy squadrons. We’ll look at how your ship resolves its attacks in more detail below.

Few things in the galaxy are deadlier or more terrifying than direct fire from an Imperial Star Destroyer!

3. Execute Maneuver

After your ship performs its attacks, it executes a maneuver. Using the game’s articulated maneuver tool, you must move your ship a distance corresponding to its current speed, tracked on its speed dial.
Notably, your ship’s movement is based upon its speed. Each ship’s card features a speed chart that indicates the number of steps you can adjust the maneuver tool’s yaw at each joint, and the only way to adjust your ship’s speed is to resolve a navigate command.

A Nebulon-B frigate uses the game’s maneuver tool to set its course for a four-speed maneuver, adjusting the template one click right at the second joint and two clicks left at the third joint.
After you finish executing your ship’s maneuver, you place its command dial faceup on its ship card, and your opponent can activate a ship.
Maximum Firepower
As mentioned earlier, each of your ships can perform up to two attacks when it activates, and getting the most out of these attacks is crucial to your success. As a result, it’s vital that you understand how to create the best possible pool of attack dice, anticipate your opponent’s defenses, and learn to position your ships to anticipate their attacks in the next round.
The strength of your attack is represented by its pool of attack dice. There are three types of color-coded, eight-sided attack dice, and each corresponds to a different maximum firing range, as indicated on the game’s range ruler.

Colored icons indicate which types of dice can fire at a given range. All three dice can fire at close range while only the red dice can fire at long range.
Red dice have the longest range, though they are the least accurate. Only five of their sides result in hits () or critical hits (), although only two of their sides are blank. The final side has an accuracy () result, which can be used to strip away your opponent’s defenses, which we’ll explore in more detail below.
Blue dice have the second longest range and are the most accurate. They have no blank faces; the faces that don’t result in hits () or critical hits () result in accuracy ().
Black dice have the shortest range but deal the most damage. While these dice have two blank sides, they also feature multiple sides that combine both hit () and critical hit () results.
The combination of dice that you roll for an attack against an enemy ship’s hull zone depends upon the hull zone from which your attack originates and is indicated on your ship card. If you choose, however, to have your ship perform an attack against one or more squadrons, it uses a different pool of attack dice. Each ship has an anti-squadron armament that is indicated to the right of its hull value on the ship card, and it uses this pool of dice against squadrons, regardless of the hull zone from which it fires.

Though the
Victory II-class Star Destroyer features a primary attack of six dice from its front firing arc, its anti-squadron armament consists of just a single blue attack die.
It’s also worth noting, at this point, that the different versions of your ships may feature different armaments with different combinations of attack dice. For example, the CR90a Corvette attacks out of its foreward hull zone with two red dice and one blue dice, but the CR90b Corvette attacks from the same hull zone with three blue dice.

Two of the CR90a’s attack dice can fire at long range while the CR90b is limited entirely to shots at medium or close range.
As you can see, gaining maximum impact from your attacks is a matter of catching your target within the ideal range and firing arc of your most lethal hull zones. You can further enhance the impact of your attacks by adding dice with the concentrate fire command and spending a concentrate fire command token to reroll any unfavorable result.
Against this, you’ll want to consider the sort of retaliatory fire that your opponent’s ships might be able to send your way. For example an Imperial admiral in command of a badly damaged Victory I-class Star Destroyer might choose to fire at a CR90b Corvette from long range for only three red dice, rather than plot a course to fire at it from close range for three red dice and three black dice.
At that longer range, the Victory I is safely out of range of the Corvette (as illustrated above by the first diagram above). However, at shorter range (as illustrated by the second diagram), the Star Destroyer doubles the impact of its attack, but it also makes itself vulnerable to the three medium-range blue dice from the Corvette’s foreward hull zone. If it doesn’t destroy the Corvette, the Corvette might punch through its final defenses and destroy it.
Reroute Power to the Forward Deflector Shields
Meanwhile, as you batter your opponent’s ships with turbolasers, missiles, and proton torpedoes, your enemy is firing back at you. If you want your ships to survive the battle, you need to make the most of their different defenses.
Your ship’s first defenses are its shields. Each hull zone has a shield value, which indicates how much damage its shields can absorb before they fail.

The shield value (left) and hull value (right) of the
Victory II-class Star Destroyer.
Hits against a hull zone that has lost its shields deal damage to the ship’s hull. Each ship has a hull value listed underneath its title, and if it suffers damage equal to or greater than its hull, it is destroyed.
To prevent your opponent from dealing damage to your hull, then, you need to do more than simply rely upon your shields. Each ship indicates a number of defense tokens that it can use while defending against an attack, and each token allows your ship to perform a different action in response to the attack in order to mitigate its results.
Redirect: When you redirect an attack, you choose one of your hull zones adjacent to the defending hull zone, and you can redirect any amount of the damage dealt to your ship from the defending hull zone to the redirect zone’s remaining shields.
Evade: A ship with an evade token can spend it to cancel one attack die at long range, or to force an opponent to reroll one attack die at medium range. Against attacks made at close range and distance “1,” the evade token has no effect.
Halve Damage: A ship with the halve damage token can spend it to halve the damage from a single attack, rounded up.
These tokens make your defense a matter not only of statistics, but also tactics. Once you use one of these tokens, it is exhausted and turned facedown, displaying its red side. Exhausted tokens aren’t refreshed until the end of the round, so if your ship is exposed to multiple attacks, you need to think carefully about when you want to use one of your defense tokens.

Once used, a readied defense token (green) is exhausted (red).
It is possible to use an exhausted defense token, but doing so removes it from your ship entirely. You no longer have that defensive option available to you each round.
Finally, it’s important to remember that you can use the engineering points you gain from the repair command to repair your ship’s hull or shields. However, you can’t use these points outside of your ship’s activation, so while they may help you recover from the damage you sustain during an attack, they don’t offer you any additional protection during the attack.
Moving into Attack Position
Even though your ships can each perform two attacks in the Ship Phase, those attacks must originate from different hull zones. Since each of your ship’s hull zones has its own firing arc, and none of these firing arcs overlap, your ship will often need to perform its two attacks against different targets.
Click on the above thumbnail to download an example attack from the Armada Learn to Play rulebook (pdf, 443 KB).
Unfortunately, if you direct your attacks against multiple targets, rather than training them all against a single hull zone, the reduction in concentrated firepower may give your foes the time they need to refresh their defense tokens, redirect their shields, repair damage, and brace themselves for multiple additional rounds of combat.
This means that you need to coordinate your attacks as much as possible, both by training the weapons from multiple ships against a single hull zone and by setting courses for your ships that leave them in position to target the same, compromised enemy hull zone with attacks from two of their hull zones.
Of course, this is easier said than done, especially since you and your opponent are always trading activations. In the end, learning how to coordinate your fleet is something of an art form, and if you can concentrate the fire from multiple ships against a single target, you’re well on your way toward destroying that target and defeating your foe.
You Are in Command Now
In Armada, you take on the role of fleet admiral, and it is your job to coordinate the actions of the thousands of men and women under your command. As your ships tremble and groan under the barrage of enemy fire, you are the one who must direct their fire, their defenses, and their movement. Can you deliver the commands that will see your side emerge victorious?
The battles of Armada are massive, and they’re brutal. Moreover, they’re every bit as much about tactics as they are about raw firepower. We’ll continue our exploration of these tactics in our next preview when we take a closer look at how capital ships make use of the game’s unique maneuver tool and how they interact with obstacles!

Star Wars: Armada is an epic two-player game of tactical fleet battles in the Star Wars universe. Massive Star Destroyers fly to battle against Rebel corvettes and frigates. Banks of turbolasers unleash torrential volleys of fire against squadrons of X-wing and TIEs. As Rebel and Imperial fleets collide, it is your job to issue the commands that will decide the course of battle and, ultimately, the fate of the