Sunday, June 30, 2013

Boonie Hat Marines !

Empress Miniatures and Their KICKSTARTER !

     So this model is part of the KICKSTARTER that Empress Miniatures has started called Devil Dogs and Dragons. The Kickstarter has 10 days left if you want to join as a backer. The two factions featured are the United States Marine Corps and the Peoples Liberation Army (China). The stretch goals have already unlocked an additional army, which is the Australians.
     Empress is trying to expand their line of models and has created a theme of a limited war in the Pacific Ocean for control on unnamed islands. The models look very detailed and they have a variety of different poses that you can select from. This pushed me to purchase some models from their website and I backed their Kickstarter. I plan on reviewing their models when I get them and hopefully we can have some painted and on the blog before the end of July !  So if you get a chance check them out, if this is a range of models that you may enjoy definitely check out their website, they have a list of different factions for their Modern Combat Range.

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