Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Infinity : Terrain from Warsenal and how we will grade it....

Infinity Terrain from Warsenal

Comanche Black Eagle Landing Pad

    Warsenal has some pretty impressive looking terrain. I started checking out the forums on the Infinity website and started looking into their product. I looked at the Comanche line of terrain and I am liking what I am seeing.

Spetznazs Tower

I really liked this piece and the price is just wonderful at $15. I went ahead and ordered one to check it out and it should be arriving on Thursday. I plan on doing an unboxing and hopefully a better review of their product once I have it in hand.
Pillbox Scout Tower

I saw that Miniwargaming did some reviews on a few terrain companies. I am a simple gamer without their resources and I sure as hell didn't get a bunch of free terrain to try out like they did. I am just planning on ordering a couple pieces from each company and going from there.

Comanche Barracks
This first piece will actually be the second line we have tried out. If you got a chance to check out the picture from our last game you can see a couple of Bandua's terrain pieces mixed in with the starter set pieces. The Bandua pieces need some paint before we review them but they were a lot of fun to use and easy to put together.
Comanche Square Towers
From now on we will use a grading system to help us rate the products. I think a ten point system should suffice for each category and then average it out.


1. Price
2. Ease of Assembly
3. How Cool Does it Look

I think these categories will help us give a relevant grade to some of these terrain pieces.

Ok, getting back to this Comanche line from Warsenal..... wow, I think it looks great and one of the best options that Warsenal offers is some great package bundles at $100.
Comanche Walkway Bundle
Comanche Starter Pack

Both of those are $100 each and its a great start for a nice terrain package. Once I get the Spetsnazs tower I will give it a grade and see how rates. But I am looking forward to it.

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